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- 109 SURFCAM Verify PLUS V2.1\n\nncpgms\nProgram files\n.NC\nNcverify.Document\nncpgms Document
- 110 \nNcProgram\nNcPrograml\n
- 111 \nPlayback\nPlayback\nPlayback Files (*.pla)\n.PLA\nPlayback.Document\nPlayback Document
- 112 \nControl Panel\nControl Panel\n
- 202 SURFCAM Verify V2.1\n\nncpgms\nProgram files\n.NC\nNcverify.Document\nncpgms Document
- 203 \nNcProgram\nNcPrograml\n
- 204 \nPlayback\nPlayback\nPlayback Files (*.pla)\n.PLA\nPlayback.Document\nPlayback Document
- 1140 GCode Data
- 4142 Enable/disable gray scale color\nEnable\disable grayscale
- 32767 %lu KB Free
- 32768 %lu KB Free
- 32769 %lu% in use
- 32770 %lu KB
- 32771 Create a new Control panel\nControl panel
- 32772 Open a new graphics window\nNew graphics window
- 32774 Read a Work In Process file\nRead WIP File
- 32775 Display tool in wireframe\nWireframe tool mode
- 32776 Display tool as a solid\nSolid tool mode
- 32777 Display the tool continuously\nContinuous tool mode
- 32778 Create a new stock\nCreate stock
- 32779 Create a new fixture\nCreate fixture
- 32780 Switch to Setup mode\nSetup mode
- 32781 Switch to Simulate mode\nSimulate mode
- 32782 Switch to Playback mode\nPlayback mode
- 32785 Write a Work In Progress file\nWrite WIP File
- 32786 Edit simulation defaults\nEdit defaults
- 32787 Use a subset of the NC program by setting a range\nSet CL range
- 32789 Use the entire NC program for simulation\nUse Entire program
- 32790 Enable or disable processing of multi-axis tool motions\nEnable/disable Multi-axis
- 32791 Write a bitmap file at every tool change\nWrite tool change image
- 32792 Write a bitmap file at every error\nWrite error image
- 32793 Enhance image while creating bitmap file\nEnhance file image
- 32794 Record simulation in a playback file\nRecord
- 32795 Open and read a program file\nProgram file
- 32797 Set the geometry type to stock\nStock
- 32798 Set the geometry type to fixture\nFixture
- 32799 Set the geometry type to design part\nDesign part
- 32810 Rotate the solid model of the workpiece\nRotate solid
- 32812 Zoom towards or away from the image using the right mouse button\nZoom image
- 32813 Fit the geometry in the window\nFit
- 32814 Center the geometry in the window\nCenter
- 32815 Show/hide coordinate axes display\nShow/hide axes
- 32816 Show/hide the tool \nShow/hide tool
- 32817 Smoothen the quality of the image of the solid model\nEnhance
- 32818 Section the workpiece using planes\nSection
- 32819 Compare the machined workpiece with the design part\nCompare
- 32821 Reset the solid model to original display mode\nReset
- 32822 Remove chips from the workpiece area\nRemove chips
- 32823 Show/hide shadows in the solid model image\nShadow
- 32824 Switch to front view of geometry\nFront view
- 32825 Switch to back view of geometry\nBack view
- 32826 Switch to left view of geometry\nLeft view
- 32827 Switch to right view of geometry\nRight view
- 32828 Switch to top view of geometry\nTop view
- 32829 Switch to bottom view of geometry\nBottom view
- 32830 Switch to isometric view of geometry\nIsometric view [1]
- 32831 Switch to second isometric view of geometry\nIsometric view [2]
- 32832 Switch to third isometric view of geometry\nIsometric view [3]
- 32833 Switch to fourth isometric view of geometry\nIsometric view [4]
- 32834 Pick objects in view\nSelect mode
- 32835 Rotate and translate geometry\nOrient mode
- 32836 Measure the point, time and CL-ID at the selected point on the machined part\nMeasure
- 32837 Load a job file\nLoad job
- 32838 Close this view\nClose view
- 32839 Create a bitmap image (.bmp) of this view\nWrite image
- 32840 Reset all simulation parameters\nReset
- 32843 Move the lightsource around the solid model of workpiece\nMove light source
- 32844 Zoom away from the geometry \nZoom Down
- 32845 Zoom towards the geometry\nZoom Up
- 32848 Zoom into a particular area of the workpiece\nZoom mode
- 32849 Enable/disable translucent display\nTranslucency
- 32850 [1]: Yellow
- 32851 [2]: Orange
- 32852 [3]: Violet
- 32853 [4]: Green
- 32854 [5]: Gray
- 32855 [6]: Blue
- 32856 [7]: Cyan
- 32857 [8]: Magenta
- 32858 [9]: Tan
- 32859 [10]: Lime
- 32860 Change the cut color with change in tool\nChange color
- 32861 Read an SLA part file for comparison\nRead design part
- 32862 Enable/disable turbo simulation\nTurbo !!
- 32863 Read a playback file\nOpen playback file
- 32864 Start the simulation/playback\nStart
- 32865 Next CL point
- 32866 Next tool
- 32867 Next Error
- 32868 End
- 32869 Previous CL point
- 32870 Previous tool
- 32871 Previous error
- 32872 Beginning
- 32873 Stop the simulation/playback\nStop
- 32874 Write a playback file for the current simulation\nRecord simulation
- 32875 Create a box stock \nstock box
- 32876 Create a cylinder stock \nstock cylinder
- 32877 Create stock from a SLA file\nstock SLA
- 32878 Create a box fixture \nfixture box
- 32879 Create a cylinder fixture \nfixture cylinder
- 32880 Create a fixture from a SLA file\nfixture SLA
- 32881 Translate the selected geometry\nTranslate
- 32882 Rotate the selected geometry\nRotate
- 32883 Delete the selected geometry\nDelete
- 32884 Scale the selected geometry\nScale
- 32885 Change simulation defaults for the tool\nTool defaults
- 32892 Change the end of simulation/playback\nGo to
- 32893 Cut color\nCut color
- 32894 Open a new graphics view\nNew Graphics view
- 32895 Arrange windows as non-overlapping vertical tiles\nVertical tile
- 32897 Display current memory status of machine\nMemory status
- 32898 Modify system defaults\nSystem defaults
- 32900 Set the views for a vertical machining center\nVertical machine view
- 32901 Set the views for a horizontal machining center\nHorizontal machine view
- 32902 Enable/disable the display of tool axis at each CL point\nShow/hide Tool Axis
- 32903 Switch between horizontal and vertical machine view\nHorizontal/Vertical machine
- 32904 Flip the solid model of the workpiece about the horizontal axes\nFlip solid
- 32905 Enable/disable the toolbars\nTool Bars
- 32906 Modify the tool parameters in the current simulation\nEdit tool
- 32907 Save the current job with updated information\nSave job
- 32908 Enable/disable gray scale color\nEnable\disable grayscale
- 32909 Upgrade your product\nUpgrade
- 32910 Get information about product upgrade\nUpgrade Info
- 32911 Remove the fixtures from the view\nRemove fixtures
- 32913 Change system default units to Inch
- 32914 Change system default units to Metric
- 32915 Reset all toolbars to their default positions.
- 32916 Answers to commonly asked questions.
- 33433 %s WRITTEN %s
- 33446 Close the control panel window\n Close Control panel
- 33447 Open Control panel\ncontrol panel
- 33448 MS Sans Serif
- 33449 Close this dialog\nClose
- 33450 Close the section dialog\nClose Section
- 33451 Measure Properties
- 33452 The measurement is accurate
- 33453 The measurement is approximate
- 33454 No measurement is currently possible
- 33455 Unavailable
- 33458 %d cutter motions are active.
- 33459 %d cutter motions have been selected.
- 33460 %d polygons were read from SLA file %s.
- 33462 %s (image file %s)
- 33463 %s%3.3d.bmp
- 33464 %s%3.3de.bmp
- 33465 %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f
- 33466 Arc must be followed by point in file '$s'.
- 33467 Batch Files:
- 33468 Beginning of playback file.
- 33469 Box has a zero %c dimension. Cannot create
- 33470 Box is too small
- 33471 Unable to convert '%s' using %s: %s
- 33472 Unable to create image file %s: %s
- 33473 Unable to create playback file '%s': %s
- 33474 Unable to find cutter '%s'
- 33475 Unable to find holder '%s'
- 33476 Unable to open '%s': %s
- 33477 Unable to open batch file '%s': %s
- 33478 Unable to open playback file '%s': %s
- 33479 Unable to read from batch file '%s': %s
- 33480 Unable to read playback file '%s': %s
- 33481 Unable to write to image file '%s'
- 33482 Cleaning up...
- 33483 Creating solid model. Please wait...
- 33484 Cylinder has a zero diameter: Cannot create
- 33485 Cylinder has a zero length: Cannot create
- 33486 Deleting point at (%g,%g)
- 33487 Determining the extent of the part
- 33488 Discarding the chips
- 33489 Drag the mouse diagonally across the box
- 33490 Duplicate point ignored
- 33491 Error: Cut above flute length from CLID %d to %d
- 33492 Error: Fixture material cut from CLID %d to %d
- 33493 Error: Holder collision from CLID %d to %d
- 33494 Error: Rapid material cut from CLID %d to %d
- 33495 End of playback file
- 33496 End of simulation file
- 33497 File exists
- 33498 File is too large
- 33499 Image file %s had bad depth %d
- 33500 Image file %s has bad size: %d rows x %d columns
- 33501 Indicated color %d must be from 1 to 10
- 33502 Input file: Bad parameter(s) for '%s' keyword
- 33503 Input file: Unrecognized keyword '%s'
- 33504 Internal error while reading '%s'
- 33505 Line %d of SLA file %s : 'facel normal' before 'solid ascii'
- 33506 Line %d of SLA file %s: 'vertex' before 'facet normal'
- 33507 Measuring stock volume...
- 33508 CL-ID %d:
- 33509 No cutter motions are active
- 33510 No cutter motions have been selected
- 33511 No space left on device
- 33512 No such file or directory
- 33513 Out of memory
- 33514 Please reset window before removing chips
- 33515 Please select a solid first.
- 33516 Please select either a solid or the toolpath first
- 33517 Please select the piece not to be removed in the desired window first
- 33518 Please reset the zoom in the window before zooming
- 33519 Profile sweep has zero length: cannot create
- 33520 Read error in file '%s': %s
- 33521 Reading WIP file '%s'
- 33522 Reading '%s'...
- 33523 Recomputing the part's bounding box...
- 33524 Redrawing the window
- 33525 Remember that you need to read the NC file before measuring points or CL Ids.
- 33526 Skipping to new tool orientation at CL ID %d
- 33527 Sorry, Cannot convert a comparison display to translucent
- 33528 Sorry, Cannot select a point in a rotated window
- 33529 Sorry, Deleting a playback window during execution is not permitted
- 33530 Sorry, Cannot enhance a comparison display
- 33531 Sorry, Cannot rotate a comparison display
- 33532 Sorry, Cannot section a comparison display
- 33533 The WIP file '%s' already exists. Overwrite it ?
- 33534 The WIP file is apparently corrupted
- 33535 The current input file does not need a default tool
- 33536 The file '%s' has error in %d of %d lines. See %s for details
- 33537 The file '%s' is not %s data. It contains binary (non-text) data
- 33538 The file '%s' is not %s data. It has no GOTO statements
- 33539 The new axis will be used when a new file is read.
- 33540 The normal vector cannot be zero
- 33542 The scale factor must be between %g and %g
- 33543 The window is zoomed. No tool motion selected.
- 33544 Unable to open WIP file '%s' to read
- 33545 Unable to open WIP file '%s' to write
- 33546 Unable to read WIP file
- 33547 Unable to write WIP file
- 33548 Unknown data in line %d of SLA file %s
- 33549 Value of nsides unchanged: %d
- 33550 Write error in '%s': %s
- 33551 Writing WIP file '%s'
- 33552 Writing image file %s
- 33553 Writing initial data to playback file
- 33554 Open program file
- 33555 Files with extension '%1' are not supported for this function.
- 33556 Sorry, This function is currently not available.
- 33557 Open GCode file
- 33558 Error: Unable to open Job file: %1\n Process aborted
- 33559 Error: Parsing failure in file %1\n Process aborted
- 33560 Error: Unable to open file: %1\n Process aborted
- 33561 Error: Unable to create file: %1\n Process aborted
- 33562 Warning: Unknown file type.\nJob files currently support gcode '.nc' file type only.
- 33563 Write WIP file
- 33564 Error in writing WIP file: %1
- 33565 WIP file %1 created.
- 33566 Please use 'wip' extension in creating WIP file.\nWIP creation cancelled.
- 33567 Save playback file as
- 33568 Please use 'pla' extension in creating playback file.\nPlayback creation cancelled.
- 33569 Open WIP file
- 33570 Read playback file
- 33571 Error: Unable to read WIP file: %1
- 33572 Save Job as
- 33573 Please use 'job' extension in creating a Job file.\nJob creation cancelled.
- 33574 Error: Unable to create job file: %1
- 33575 Job written to file: %1
- 33576 OK
- 33577 Cancel
- 33578 Save the current job with updated information\nSave job
- 33579 Help
- 33580 Please use 'bmp' extension in creating image file.\nImage creation cancelled.
- 33581 Save Image as
- 33582 There is currently no valid license to run this software.\nWould you like to install the license now ?
- 33583 New license has been created.
- 33584 Error: The license must contain exactly 18 characters.\nPlease edit the license to proceed or cancel to abort this process.
- 33585 Error: License not found.
- 33586 Error: Invalid license manager version.
- 33587 Error: The license type is invalid.
- 33588 Error: Invalid hardware key license.
- 33590 Error: The current license is not valid for this product.
- 33591 Evaluation license has expired.
- 33594 License Status:\n%1\n Would you like to change your license now ?
- 33596 There is no material at the chosen location.
- 33597 The profile of `%s' does not end at the center line.
- 33598 The profile of `%s' does not contain point or arc coordinate values in the correct format.
- 33599 The profile of `%s' does not start at the center line.
- 33600 The playback file `%s' was not created by this version of %s.
- 33601 The playback file `%s' has a different color scheme from the current color mode of %s.
- 33602 Profile point #%d:
- 33603 Error: Indicated COLOR %d must be from 1 to 10.
- 33604 Internal error while reading `%s'.
- 33605 Not owner
- 33606 No such file or directory
- 33607 I/O error
- 33608 Permission denied
- 33609 Is a directory
- 33610 Too many open files
- 33611 Read only File System
- 33612 Error code %d
- 33613 Do you really want to reset the simulation ?
- 33614 Please select a design part file before attempting to compare.
- 33615 Saved image to file: %1.
- 33616 Error creating image: Unable to open file.
- 33617 Error creating image: Bad handle.
- 33618 Error creating image: Unable to perform global lock.
- 33619 Error creating image: Internal error.
- 33620 Error: Unable to delete temporary image.
- 33621 Error: Unable to capture image.
- 33622 %s (image file: %s)
- 33623 Graphics View: Front
- 33624 Graphics View: Back
- 33625 Graphics View: Left
- 33626 Graphics View: Right
- 33627 Graphics View: Top
- 33628 Graphics View: Bottom
- 33629 Graphics View: Iso [1]
- 33630 Graphics View: Iso [2]
- 33631 Graphics View: Iso [3]
- 33632 Graphics View: Iso[4]
- 33633 Graphics View
- 33636 License Type: 3 Axis
- 33637 License Type: 5 Axis
- 33638 License Type: Light
- 33639 License Type: Evaluation
- 33640 License Type: Illegal
- 33641 Read SLA file
- 33643 Error: Unable to open file: %1
- 33644 There are currently no tools available for simulation.
- 33645 The current file does not contain any milling tools.\nYou can currently edit milling tools defined by APT 7 parameters only.
- 33646 Error: Unable to save stock information to file: %1.
- 33647 Save Job
- 33650 Error: Unrecognized file format. Unable to read file: %1
- 33651 License Upgrade
- 33653 Do you wish to read the upgrade information before proceeding with your product upgrade ?
- 33654 Tool
- 33655 Holder
- 33657 Loop number %d of %s `%s' in file `%s' should be closed.
- 33658 The first item in loop number %d of %s `%s' in file `%s' is an arc, but must be a point.
- 33659 There is an arc in loop number %d of %s `%s' that is not followed by a point, in file `$s'
- 33660 Loop number %d of %s `%s' in file `%s' contains zero area.
- 33661 Loop number %d of %s `%s' in file `%s' is concave; all loops must be convex.
- 33662 Last point is (%g, %g)
- 33663 Warning: There are no points to delete.
- 33664 Error:There must be at least 3 points to create a profile.
- 33665 The first item in %s `%s' in file `%s' is an arc, but must be a point.
- 33666 There is an arc in %s `%s' that is not followed by a point, in file `$s'.
- 33667 Mill
- 33668 Turn
- 33669 Apt 7
- 33670 Form
- 33671 Diamond
- 33672 Circle
- 33673 Square
- 33674 Triangle
- 33675 Groove
- 33676 Reading program file %1...\nPlease wait
- 33677 Processing job file %s...Please wait
- 33678 Processing gcode file %s... Please wait
- 33679 Process has been aborted...
- 33680 Tool defaults
- 33681 Reverse processing %s to %s...Please wait.
- 33682 Ready for simulation
- 33683 Done reading WIP file '%s'
- 33684 Reset
- 33685 This action will reset all the system defaults to predetermined values from the manufacturer. Do you wish to continue ?
- 33686 Error: The playback file is corrupted. Unable to continue.
- 33687 Preparing setup mode. Please wait....
- 33688 Do you wish to change to Setup/Wireframe mode for the new NC program ?\n Select Yes to continue. Select No to remain in Simulation mode.
- 33689 Simulation/Solid
- 33690 Setup/Wireframe
- 33691 Camera
- 33692 Point lies on a plane. Radius is infinity.
- 33693 Control Panel
- 33694 Please contact you authorized representative to upgrade this product.
- 33695 Error: Hardware block is missing or invalid. Shutting down.
- 33696 Error: Hardware key is missing.
- 33697 Error: Hardware key internal error.
- 33698 Error: The hardware key license has expired.
- 33699 Error: Invalid hardware key
- 33700 Error: This WIP file has a version that cannot be read.
- 33701 Error: This WIP file was recorded in %d bit mode. Please switch to %d bit mode for processing.
- 33702 Error: Unable to read solid information from WIP file.
- 33703 WIP error in writing solid model information for graphics view # %d
- 33704 Error: Unable to create solids from WIP information.
- 33705 Playback View
- 33706 Error: Insufficient data in line %d to create profile for %s from file %s.
- 33707 &Machine
- 33708 &Reverse Post
- 33709 Error: Cannot run more than one instance of this program.
- 33710 SuperReverse has sent APT/CL file\nDo you wish to verify the file ?
- 33711 SuperReverse is not available for connection.
- 33712 Error: Unable to establish connection with SuperReverse
- 33713 Error: Unable to stop conversation with SuperReverse.
- 33715 DDEML Error: DMLERR_BUSY
- 33722 DDEML Error: DMLERR_MEMORY_ERROR: Memory allocation failed.
- 33724 DDEML Error: DMLERR_NO_CONV_ESTABLISHED: Falied to receive an acknowledgement.
- 33732 Error: System is out of memory or resources.\n Unable to process command.
- 33733 Error: The .EXE file : %1 is invalid.\n Unable to process command.
- 33734 Error: The specified executable file: %1 was not found.\n Unable to process command.
- 33735 Error: The specified path %1 was not found.\n Unable to process command.
- 33736 Turning tool Diamond: %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f
- 33737 Turning tool Triangle: %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f
- 33738 Turning tool Square: %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f
- 33739 Turning tool Circle: %-8.4f
- 33740 Turning tool Groove %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f
- 33741 Turning tool Form: %s
- 33742 Unknown turning tool
- 33743 Milling tool Form: %s
- 33744 Milling tool Apt7: %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f
- 33745 Simulation start time: %d/%d/%d %d:%02d:%02d
- 33746 Simulation end time: %d/%d/%d %d:%02d:%02d
- 33747 %3d%% complete
- 33748 Error: Only able to write %d of solid model information.
- 33749 Error: WIP unknown solid primitive: %d
- 33750 Input file error: Invalid number of parameters for '%s' keyword
- 33751 Input file error: Bad parameter(s) for '%s' keyword
- 33752 Input file error: Unrecognized keyword '%s'
- 33753 Error: Load tool attempted without prior tool definition.
- 33754 Error Line #%d: %c '%s'
- 33755 Value of nsides unchanged: %d
- 33756 License Type: Lite (APT)
- 33757 License Type: Lite (Gcode)
- 33758 License Type: Lite Evaluation (APT)
- 33759 License Type: Lite Evaluation (Gcode)
- 46800 SURFCAM Verify V2.1.6
- 46801 The graphics mode has been changed.\n Please exit and restart SURFCAM Verify to activate the new graphics mode.
- 46802 SURFCAM Verify System Defaults
- 46803 Hardware key error: %1\nPlease contact your nearest SURFCAM representative for the hardware key/driver.
- 46804 Warning: This copy of SURFCAM Verify is licensed to simulate upto 3axis tool motions only.\n All other tool motions will be ignored.
- 46805 Error: This copy of SURFCAM Verify has an illegal license.\nPlease report this matter to Surfware Inc.
- 46806 License Status:\n%1\n Please contact your nearest SURFCAM representative for a valid license.
- 46807 Do you really want to exit SURFCAM Verify ?
- 46808 Warning: SURFCAM Verify is licensed to simulate upto 3axis tool motions only.\n All other tool motions will be ignored.
- 46809 Please stop simulation before exiting SURFCAM Verify.
- 46810 Error: SURFCAM Verify can process files upto %g meg. only.\nThe file: %s has a file size of %g meg.\nUnable to process command.
- 46811 Congratulations !! Your license has been upgraded.\nPlease restart SURFCAM Verify to use the new license.
- 46812 About SURFCAM Verify
- 46813 Surfware Inc.
- 57344 SURFCAM Verify PLUS V2.1.6
- 57345 SURFCAM Verify version 2.1. For Help, press F1
- 57346 Select an object on which to get Help
- 57600 Create a new document\nNew
- 57601 Open and read a program file\nOpen program file
- 57602 Close the active document\nClose
- 57603 Save the active document\nSave
- 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
- 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
- 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
- 57607 Print the image in the active view\nPrint
- 57608 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
- 57616 Open this document
- 57617 Open this document
- 57618 Open this document
- 57619 Open this document
- 57632 Erase the selection\nErase
- 57633 Erase everything\nErase All
- 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
- 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
- 57636 Find the specified text\nFind
- 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
- 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
- 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
- 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
- 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
- 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
- 57648 Open a new graphics view\nNew view
- 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
- 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade
- 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping horizontal tiles\nHorizontal tile
- 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
- 57664 Display SURFCAM Verify information, version number and copyright\nAbout
- 57665 Quit SURFCAM Verify\nExit
- 57666 List Help topics\nHelp Index
- 57667 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
- 57668 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
- 57669 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
- 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
- 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
- 59136 EXT
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC
- 59143 PROGRESS
- 59144 TIME
- 59145 CLID
- 59148 Enable/disable the Camera bar\nCamera Bar
- 59392 Enable/disable the toolbars\nTool Bars
- 59393 Enable/disable the status bar\nStatus Bar
- 59398 Enable/disable the Simulate bar\nSimulate Bar
- 59399 Enable/Disable the Setup bar\nSetup Bar
- 61184 Change the window size
- 61185 Change the window position
- 61186 Reduce the window to an icon
- 61187 Enlarge the window to full size
- 61188 Switch to the next document window
- 61189 Switch to the previous document window
- 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
- 61202 Restore the window to normal size
- 61203 Activate Task List
- 61440 Open
- 61441 Save As
- 61442 All Files (*.*)
- 61443 Untitled
- 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview
- 61504 on %1
- 61505 &One Page
- 61506 &Two Page
- 61507 Page %u
- 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n
- 61509 prn
- 61510 Output.prn
- 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 61512 Print to File
- 61513 to %1
- 61696 Invalid filename.
- 61697 Failed to open document.
- 61698 Failed to save document.
- 61699 Save changes to %1?
- 61700 Failed to create empty document.
- 61701 The file is too large to open.
- 61702 Could not start print job.
- 61703 Failed to launch help.
- 61704 Internal application error.
- 61705 Command failed.
- 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
- 61712 Please enter an integer.
- 61713 Please enter a number.
- 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
- 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
- 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
- 61717 Please select a button.
- 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
- 61719 Please enter a positive integer.
- 61728 Unexpected file format.
- 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
- 61730 Destination disk drive is full.
- 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
- 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
- 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
- 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
- 61836 Unable to read write-only property.
- 61837 Unable to write read-only property.
- 61840 Unable to load mail system support.
- 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
- 61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
- 61984 OK\n50
- 61985 Cancel\n50
- 61986 &Apply\n50
- 61987 &Help\n50
- 61988 Close